Session Descriptions
Charting the Course: SEVIS Module Roadmap (Click for session slides) |
The SEVIS Module in TDS is the subject of continuous enhancements and updates, stemming from both SEVIS and from client requests. We'll look at the roadmap ahead for the SEVIS Module, and what's in store - the Embedded RT Browser enhancement, T/IPP batching, Forms Module, and more. We welcome client and practitioner feedback on our priorities. |
Declare Your Dependents: Managing Dependents in the SEVIS Module (Click for session slides) |
Do you ever get tired of copying and pasting, or worse, re-typing dependent information into SEVIS RTI to create a dependent I-20 or DS-2019? Wouldn’t it be nice to just be able to review the information submitted by the student and approve it with a touch of a button to generate the new I-20 or DS-2019? Well you have come to the right place! In TDS you can configure your ‘Add Dependent Program’ to allow students/dependents to update this information themselves. Then, as the DSO/ARO you simply review, approve and batch to SEVIS. In this session we will walk through the process of adding dependents, step-by-step, with a focus on how best to manage dependent information in TDS. We will take the steps necessary to create dependent profiles/applications, generate update records in the SEVIS Module and batch those to SEVIS. |
Guided Tour of the SEVIS Module (Click for session slides) |
Join us for a guided tour of the SEVIS Module. We'll walk through the neighborhood to show you where to find pending updates, batch uploads and downloads, completed updates, and SEVIS Module settings, touching briefly on configuration for batching and schools. We will also show you where and how data originates in TDS to become the basis for SEVIS batch updates. |
Help is Here: Terra Dotta Support to the Rescue! (Click for session slides) |
When you have a question about TDS, what do you do? Where do you turn? During this session we will provide you with information on the various support channels available. Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of how to navigate the Terra Dotta Support Portal, including the case system, knowledge base, video library, and more! |
The International Student/Scholar Portal: Taking the Experience to a Whole New World (Click for session slides) |
Most ISSS office application processes force students into navigating and managing several different communication channels with various campus stakeholders. For offices that use paper-based applications, that can translate to the student walking materials to every corner of the campus. If only there was a portal the student could use to streamline this process and simplify the submission of applications to the ISSS office, oh wait, there is, Terra Dotta! This session will focus on the student experience of applying for CPT using TDS. By seeing your application processes through the eyes of your student, you will have a better understanding of TDS, not to mention the ability to increase students' satisfaction with interacting with your office. |
No More Papercuts: Queries & Reports in a Paperless World (Click for session slides) |
Are you tired of leafing through file cabinets and student/scholar folders for specific information? Does the thought producing a list of all CPT applications for a specific semester in 5 simple clicks of a mouse and then mass emailing the students get your heart racing? This is the session for you! Come join us for a riveting session that details the robust and actionable searching and reporting features in TDS. Oh, and did I mention that you can configure your site to automatically run saved searches when you're not in the office? Yeah, queries and reports in TDS can be pretty cool! |
Nuts and Bolts: SEVIS Batching and Error Handling (Click for session slides) |
Open our TDS toolbox to see the nuts and bolts of SEVIS batching and error handling. We'll learn about functional SEVIS batching, user messages, and text, tips, and help. We will also look at how TDS processes batch error messages that SEVIS returns in the download - what information is provided by TDS, and how it helps you troubleshoot and resolve SEVIS-rejected batch updates. |
Orientation Over Easy: Serving Up Pre-Arrival & Orientation Information (Click for session slides) |
TDS provides a robust pre-arrival and orientation platform to ensure that your start-of-term rush is over easy. We will look at strategies for managing new international student and scholar orientations with delivered content, assessments, and messaging to your newest students and scholars. With the TDS advisee portal, every new international student and scholar can access tailored orientation content, saving your office hands-on time and ensuring compliance. |
Overview of TDS for ISSS (Click for session slides) |
What is TDS for ISSS? What is the SEVIS Module? How do these solutions fit into my international student and scholar office? Attend this session to receive an overview of this total office solution and how it, combined with the SEVIS Module, can help your office create an electronic filing and application system that manages and batches your international student and scholar data to SEVIS. |
Phases/Statuses/Dates Explained: The Key to Terra Dotta Software Success (Click for session slides) |
In ISSS, applications and requests often require several different phases. OPT requests, for example, may involve many steps for both students and staff, such as the initial recommendation, ultimate approval from USCIS, and reporting employer(s) or unemployment to SEVIS. TDS offers offices the ability to create dynamic application processes that deploy requirements to students and scholars based on the status (and phase) of their application/request process. Come to this session to gain insight into this key TDS concept to help you create engaging application processes for your students and scholars. |
Prep Makes Perfect: A Thoughtful Approach to Going Paperless (Click for session slides) |
It's important to begin with the end in mind. Prep makes perfect when getting ready to implement TDS for ISSS with the SEVIS Module. What are some of the regulations you may need to consider when transitioning from a paper-based to electronic system? What kinds of student and scholar requests does your office handle in the greatest volume? How do you currently receive and process student and scholar requests? Understand your landscape before you embark on your TDS journey. |
Programming Your Type: A Look at Programs & Program Types (Click for session slides) |
Ever wonder what is a program and why does its type matter? Well in this session we will review the basic TDS concept of programs and program types, with an emphasis on the types specific to ISSS admins: F-M, J, and Program Enrollment. We will tour the program builder and explore some of the settings possible within these program types. |
Q&A with TD Staff |
The ISSS Summit is over and we hope you learned a lot about Terra Dotta Software! If you have any questions that weren't answered during the Summit, stick around and talk to us before heading off to the NAFSA festivities. |
SIS and SEVIS: An Arranged Marriage (Click for session slides) |
The SEVIS Module, when integrated with an existing student information system or HR information system, will receive mapped data from the institutional system of record that can then be transmitted to SEVIS to create and update corresponding SEVIS records. We will discuss which SIS/HRIS fields are required by SEVIS, which are optional but perhaps useful for your office, and where data pitfalls may lurk in this process (e.g., middle names, single names only, CIP codes, pushing blank values, hyphens and other nonnumerics, and more!) |
TDS Building Blocks for ISSS-ers (Click for session slides) |
Before you can start building your office processes in TDS, you will need a basic understanding of "process elements" within the software that will be used to collect and distribute information to your student and scholar populations. In this session we will explain the different process elements (Questionnaires, Material Submissions, Signature Document, Assessments, Learning Content and Recommendations) and provide examples of how each might be used in building your ISSS programs/applications. |
Tips for Managing Your Public Website Pages in TDS (Click for session slides) |
TDS training often focuses on how to build and manage the internal website pages, but TDS has a built-in CMS as well. In this session we will review the public side of a Terra Dotta site. We will discuss tips for designing your public site in a user-friendly manner and give ideas of how the public site information might be structured. We will also look at examples of how TDS can function as a standalone website or be used in conjunction with another website. |
Working Room |
Did you learn something new in a session and can’t wait to try it out on your site? Would you like the opportunity to work on that special something with a colleague or TD Support Specialist there to help? If so, then the Working Room is for you! During the conference we have carved out two blocks of time with the purpose of giving attendees a chance to think through previous sessions and spend time working on implementing all those cool ideas before heading home. Attendees who come to this session will have an opportunity to network, do work, and ask questions. Terra Dotta staff members will be available to individually assist attendees as time permits. |